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Main OLSR-NG project blog: http://olsr.funkfeuer.at

Slides from the OLSR-NG kickoff presentation: http://outpost.funkfeuer.at/~aaron/olsr-ng.pdf


Current Status

Who is working on what?

Who What Status
Bernd release 0.5 WIP
Hannes Gredler tcpdump parses olsr packets, DONE
Aaron,Bernd olsr-ng test server WIP
Zethix UML cluster setup WIP

contact mailto:aaron@lo-res.org or Bernd if you are interested in participating!

Next Steps



Papers, Theory

  AdHocSys is a two-year European project to provide reliable broadband services in rural and mountain regions. This objective
  will be achieved by means of the creation of a wireless ad hoc broadband network, with special enhancements to reliability
  and availability. The network consists of one or several gateways connecting to the global Internet and several intermediate
  nodes which provide multihop connections between the gateways and end users.
  • WOSPF-OR Uni Oslo Wireless OSPF with Overlapping Relays
  • W-OSPF INRA/Boing Wireless OSPF
